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Mukadzi kuGym Mukadzi kuGym

Ask Tete

I don’t know maybe i am just thinking about this the wrong way but I am now worried, mukadzi wangu haabve kuGym. We have...

Kusvirana usinganakirwe Kusvirana usinganakirwe

Ask Tete

Makadii vadikani mose ndine nyaya yangu yandinodawo rubatsiro please musanditukewo nekuti ndirikutotsvagawo kuziva. Ndakaroora last year and I am 28 years old. Ndakachengetwa naMainini...

Kunditundisa Kunditundisa

Ask Tete

Tete, ndine 19 months ndaroorwa asi ndine dambudziko rekuti murume ndomuda chose uye iye anondida asi pabonde handisviki chaipo ipo nemboro yake, but ndiri...

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One Night Stand

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I remember every moment of it from the time we met to the time i was reading the tattoo printed on her back which...

Maid with Nyash

Nhau DzeBonde

Maid with Nyash causes chaos for a Married Man who stays in Mount Pleasant… I know my kind of story has been told by...

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