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Nhau DzeBonde

Maid with Nyash causes chaos for Married Man

Maid with Nyash

Maid with Nyash causes chaos for a Married Man who stays in Mount Pleasant… I know my kind of story has been told by a lot of people but I feel I should share my experience as well. Imagine the surprise uchisvika kubva kubasa and there she is akarova kadress kakati mbambamba achicleaner pasi peTV stand. The first thing I did was to go outside to check the address to see if I was at the right place.

Questions were running through my head zvekuti I pulled out my iPhone and called madam… Ndakangoti ndiani uyu arimumba medu and she came out laughing achibva hake kubedroom akabata mwana. All this time I was frozen in place, guys there are women with Nyash then there are women with NYASH! Ipapo I was introduced to the new maid but inini ndega ndakatozviona kuti uyu muyedzo ndichatadza kuukunda.

Ndakaita kaSilent prayer ndikati Mwari ndibatsireiwo nzira yandakufamba iyi ine makava anoruma… Things moved on kubva ipapo but haa muyedzo wacho wanga wakakura, daily ndaisvika munhu achicleaner same spot, same pose NYASH mudenga kunge munhu arikuita iya staera yaimbwa. Ndaitombopedza 2 mins ndakayeva ndobva ndapfurira hangu kuenda kubedroom. It was like she knew was looking and she enjoyed every moment of it.

I mean how do you move past without staring? I remember this day very well, it was a Friday and i was tired as i had a long day at work, meeting after meeting… I got home and there she was mmm NYASH all over the place… She looked back at me and she whispered… “ko kungotora picture yekuti mugare muchiona even when you are at work” Ndakapererwa and all i could do was pick up my bag and rush to the bedroom.

It had been around 4 months since she started work and this was the first time she commented and actually made me aware that she knows i was looking. I had so many questions and right in the middle of all that thinking my iPhone vibrated. I ignored it thinking it was work as i gave my wife a hug and sat down to relax. I picked up my phone and there it was a picture i will treasure for years to come… It had a caption… “magetsi you can look but don’t touch”… Soo yeah the maid had sent a picture, in the same pose in the same dress only now it was pulled up high kuratidza imwe yellow yemathighs that I didn’t even know existed!

Ndakangoreplyer ndikati thanks.. What else could I say? Nothing special happened that weekend as she went to her off and was coming back Monday… I would only then see her Monday after work but i didn’t know she had a surprise for me… I was on my lunch break and i thought let me go through people’s statuses on WhatsApp and i saw her name and thought this was a first as i have never seen any of her statuses.

It was a short video captioned… “just for you, i know you missed this during the weekend”, on the video maid was playing that Baba Harare ft Jah Prayzah song and was moving to the beat shaking that NYASH like there is no tomorrow… I had questions, was it just for me or someone else?

I couldn’t exactly ask her, how will the conversation even start, we haven’t spoken a lot of stuff besides our normal greetings. As I am writing this I am in my office wondering how everything will be like when I get home today. Should I ask her what is going on or should I keep playing her game… It’s still harmless as it is.

More to follow soon… I hope


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