Ndakanzi nen’anga ndiuye nehuronyo webenzi ndichibva ndasvirwa naStavo benzi repama shops! Ndakaroorwa at the age of 36 and my hubby was a doctor so was I.Wet met kuStates where we were doing our Medical doctorates.
We came back to Zim where we had our wedding.Hama dzangu kushaya mbereko chinhu chakaoma.After the marriage 6 years went by without conceiving,munongoziva people started talking especially the in-laws havanyarare pakadai,’He kudzidza ndochii todawo mwana and so forth’.
Ndakaitwa machecks and it was discovered that my tubes were blocked.Hapana operation yaigoneka ipapo in short I was baren,no child my entire life ndakangoti Mwari vanoziva.At 1st I had the protection of my husband bt with time he joined everyone akatanga kuita mamoods at times kuuya kumba late or kusatouya.
One day ndakarara ndakamutswa nepleasure mons aye atinoita madzimai kana tichisvirwa.Ndakangoti maybe ipono film let me check who is watching sezvo taigara tiri 3 chete,me,husband and maid.I met the horror of my life,hubby ari pamusoro pamaid vachisvirana heavy.Vandiona they just ignored and vakaramba vachitoita zviya zvesvoto.I intervened and my hubby hit me achiti,’Beta kuwaster masp#rms angu paari than kudira in your bin.Ndakashatirwa bvandadzinga maid basa but hubby akati haana kwaanoenda iwe ndiwe ungatoenda.Sezvineiwo maid got pregnant and ndakatanga kudadirwa zvokuti she refused to take my orders and my hubby supported her.Basa ndanga ndakuita ndega ndichingomuonawo until I sought an eviction order then akaburitswa pamba but to my surprise my husband bought her a house and ndokwaanga akunyanya kutambira.
I went to prophets nekun’anga but no change until I met this n’anga yekuChinhoyi akanditi kuti uzvare uya nemasp#rms ebenzi wamapukuta nejira jena,he explained everything in short ndaifanira kusvirwa nebenzi live.Semunhu anga apererwa I gave it a try.Pamashops pedu raivapo benzi rainzi Stavo,rino rume dema,refu rakasimba.Most times wairiona richirwisana nemazitombo kana masimbi.Problem yaiva yokuti how I was going to approach him.I drove to the shops for a survey and Stavo was there achingoita zvaaiita.Anga akapfeka old torn overall yaitoburitsa mboro yake.
Ndakatarisa mboro yacho ndakavhara mawindow eBMW yangu ine tint. Raiva rino zimboro reblack,very big kunge hosepipe and ndakaimagina riri mandiri ndikapera simba but somehow zvakandiarouser mafeelings angu nguva yanga yapowo baba akutambira kwamaid but benzi here of all people.I drove away ndaizodzoka manheru iwawo.Ndakanonwa Viceroy half bottle kuzvishingisa bva ndatenga Nandos yangu for bait kuna Stavo. Kuma10pm I drove back and I parked at a distance kwakunyahwaira ndichienda pairara Stavo,hapana akandiona guard wepamashops aito dozer hake nehope.Ndakasvika panaStavo ndobva ndamuti ndakuigira Nandos nebeer zviri kumota uko.’Huu ndiayani,ndipe’.’Hande totora’.’Aaa ko pano mbavha dzoba.’Akazobvuma hake ndokunopinda mumota.
Paaidya Nandos bvandamuinjecta sleeping drug ndiye hutu kumba.Ndamumba I locked the gate nemadoors ndokuisa hot tub.1st ndakagera musoro nendebvu and tookk him kutub.I used dish washer,shampoo,laundry soap ndakaempta tub 5 times anga owonekera apa drug ranga rapera haana hake kubvunza.Chandakanyanyogeza imboro yake.He was not circ#mcised saka ndaivhura ndichiivhara apa anga amuka.Veduwe mboro yakakura iyoyo.Yakatanga kumira aah zinyoka rekwani,iye anga ongozhinyura zhinyura.Ndakapinda naye mubedroom mangu chaimo anga ava munhuwo.
Hembe bvandakatanura kwakuzorera lotion kubeche uku coz panga pasina nguva yeromance.Iyezvino anga akunzwa kudawo coz aingondidhonza dhonza. Ndakaita zvokufongora ndakabata pamubed ndokumupa sign kurova beche iro coz ndakanyatsorivhura kuti asanetseke.Ndanga ndatomunonokera akangosvikoti tindindi veduwe ndakanzwa mboro ichienda mberi mberi kwandanga ndisati ndambosvitswa.
Ndakafunga kuti haichagumi ndopaakabva amira tofunga yanga yapera nokuti padakasverera ndakawana machende chete.Akati otanga kupomba haa ndakanzwa kakubvunda coz aibaya chibereko.Pain turned into pleasure and akaramba akafasa.Imiwe ndakatunda imi ndatundazve Stavo openga naro beche.Ndakaerekana ndochemera without carrying kuti nyangwe ndikanzwikwa.Ndakatundazve power rose ndokupera bvandati pabed zhokoto nedumbu apa ndanga ndahwedzera kurivhura beche.Aiita kuhon’a zviya zvoita imbwa. Ndakazonzwa obowa mheno zvaitaurwa ipapo ko ibenzizve.Ndakanzwa mukati kati mebeche kuti wuu wuu wuuu ndiye kobvo kobvo.
Anga atunda manje cup yese yesp#rm yanga roerera richitedza zvidya zvangu.The sp#rms were very thick kunge lacto.Apa anga ongoseka mboro yakapakwa mubeche mangu mazioko akati mbaa mahips angu.Ndakazomupushira kure and neva looked at hm.I took my new white cloth and wiped my a$$ as per n’angas directions bvandachengeta.Faster faster ndakapfekedza Stavo beta clothes bvandaenda naye kumota.I gave him beer and bvandanomusiya.Was supposed kunoona n’anga weekend but majunior doctors akabva aita strike chance bvayashaika nepressure yebasa.I worked 4 a month and was surprised I missed my period that month which means pregnance,it was confirmed.
Handina kuzoenda kun’anga kuya after 9 months a baby boy came.I named him Steven.My hubby doesn’t knw the father iye akatadza.Dai uriwe mwana waizomuratidza here dad vake.Stavo is stil there pamashops..Based on a True Story
Source – Masasieharare