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Africa’s Miss Boootylicious Corazon Kwamboka in Pictures

Africa’s Miss Boootylicious Corazon Kwamboka in Pictures that always get people going crazy on Social Media. Seems this curvy mama is always turning heads where ever she goes and we think we know why.

When you are blessed with such amazing curves people and fans are bound to ask for more. In the below picture, Corazon Kwamboka was in Cape Town South Africa.

Corazon Kwamboka

I love beautiful landscapes. Born to wonder. #somewhereInSouthAfrica

We clearly can’t get enough of Africa’s Miss Boootylicious. With her now spending so much time in the gym, I bet she will only get better and better. I wonder who in Zimbabwe can be a threat to this lady as far as curves are concerned. Be sure to tell us in comments but first a few more pictures of Corazon Kwamboka showing off that amazing figure.

Corazon Kwamboka

The wait is finally over.

It’s no surprise she is excited about travelling to Zanzibar, I think I share her sentiments seeing how beautiful the place it. Corazon took to Instagram where she shared a picture and had this to say…

I’ve never been so excited about taking a trip to any place like I am excited about going back to Zanzibar.. literally counting down ☺️☺️☺️. Not interested in the city as much as I am on the beautiful beaches. I have been looking at pics from my last trip and the nostalgia is real. Funny thing is I travelled solo. 
PS; most of my memorable trips are those I took a solo. Sometimes it’s important to travel alone if you keep waiting for friends you’ll never travel. #borntowander”

Corazon Kwamboka

I think I totally agree that she is Africa’s Miss Boootylicious, I mean with a bod like that who can say no. But then thinking out loud, Mzansi’s Faith Nketsi and Tebogo Thobejane might be the best contenders here… Not to mention Cindy Makhathini. I wonder what you all think?


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