Ndakaramba ndichibairira mboro kumberi kusvika ndakunzwa akugomera nekunakirwa! Ndakasvira kababe kubasa after meeting kakafamba kachiudza vanhu nezvemboro yangu saka Alice is now interested in feeling mboro yangu. Takataurirana ndokuwirirana kuti ndaizomufonera ndava kumba. Ndamufonera nhasi and proved to be a little busy only to show up after 33 minutes. Achingopinda so she wrapped her arms around me and closed the door behind her using her left leg. I took my hands out of my jacket pocket and extended them to her. My hands proved to be the best present she had ever received and she couldn’t wait to make good use of them. Ndakuisawo chirungu semunhu ane akadzidzawo ndingakujaidzai shona chete.
Action iyi yakandiudza kuti Alice aiva nezemo and aida kusvirwa ipapo. Unoziva taiti tikatarisana so tose tobva tanyara. Babe raingosimudza simudza skirt yaro nekukosoro kuti ndione mayellow thighs ake accompanied by a beautiful shaved beche which was already on fire. Beche rako rakanaka babe I can’t wait to feel it. Alice aingosekerera zvake achiwedzera kusumudza skirt kuti ndinyatsooona zvangu. Akabva abvisa kawrap over kake ndokusara beche rese riri musvo asisina kana chinhu. She stood like a child having a tantrum stamping her feet and spreading makumbo ake wide, running her fingers over beche nematinji ake. Taste me babe it’s ready. You did not come all the way from Zimbabwe to just look at beche rangu. She was in no mood for waiting, her fingers slid into my mouth ndikatanga kuyamwa them as I reached down and slid the other two fingers ndakaanyika mukati mebeche making her kuti atunde providing me with extra play juice for what was about to unfold.
Akandidhonzera padhuze naye and her mouth was inches from my ear. Take me to your bedroom I want your first time to be mubedroom mako.” She said. “Are you sure this is what you want Alice nekuti kunonosvirwa munhu akamama kumberi uko?” I asked knowing her answer before she said it. Babe ranga ritori more than ready and pandaribvisa blouse and braa zvakabviswa fast fast and she confirmed kunyatsoida kwake nekurara pabed. Babe raiti rikanditarisa rotarisa mudenga apa makumbo akavhurwa wide and her body ichibvuma any position I put it in. Ndaitambisa zvangu kabhinzi ndichikabata ndichikadhonza dhonza zvangu very fast, ndakapinza zvigunwe 2 the middle one nechimwe ndokutanga kuzvifambisa mubeche rake zviri gentle apa babe ratsinzinyira tsinzinyira richisekerera apa mboro yangu yanga yamira, zvekumira zviya ndikabva ndati kubabe I want you to hold my arm and help me slide my shondo inside you.”
Ndakakwira pamusoro pake, slowly working my way inside her, ndichisvira her well pumped hole. I felt her beche walls hot and tight spread around mboro yangu as I entered and pulled out of her. “Alice it’s time!” She knew what that meant. I chose to cool her red-hot beche ndokutanga zvangu ku rubber kabhinzi nezishondo rangu. Her words failed her as she felt my shondo off matinji ake straight into her beche. Slowly I rubbed until I found the right angle ndokunangisa mboro neside iroro. Iko kuchemerera kwacho kuita seimbwa iri kutandanisa tsuro kudaro hanzi aaaa haaaa haaaa huuu huuu huuu. Ndomachemerere ema South Africans here amana ndakatomboda kuita remove mboro yangu from her ndakutya kuti ko ndeipi ko iyi. Pandaiti zvomo wati imbama yandapiwa iyoyo. Aaaaaa kundirovera mboro yangu shuwa here Alice. I just asked to bend down sezvo ndaida kuinyudza nekuback kwake. Baba matako ake aiiita kuhuta so nekuteta.
Ndakainyudza zvangu yose ndokukoira mbichana mbichana zvangu because ndaida kubaya chibereko zvakanyanya kuti arwadziwe nxaa aandiroverei. Ndakaramba ndichibairira mboro kumberi mberi kusvika ndakunzwa akugomera gomera ndikaziva kuti mission nearly accomplished. Ndopandakoira ndichibudisa mboro panze ndichiinyudza zvenharo mukati imomo faster faster. Ziya rakatanga kuerera kumeso kwa Alice apa tudzihwa ndikatanga kufara nechomumoyo. Aaaaaa ndakazoona kondom robuda neropa ndikabva ndarega. Agara pasi apa dikita paari richiita semvura iri kubuda pa tape. Ndakango softa kuti kasachema ropa rako ranga robuda ko mumba mangu makazara tuma fruits, netumwe tunonaka naka zve twekudya ndichisvira hangu, ndakabva ndamupa akafara. Mboro yanzi tsveeee mumuromo zvekuti handina kuzononoka kutunda here nekutya kurumwa ndakarasa huronyo hwese kusiya machende asvava.
Source – NhauDzevakuru