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Kusvirwa naBamnini Kusvirwa naBamnini

Nhau DzeBonde

Kurohwa nyoro naBabamunini Bofu. Ndainge ndakaroorwa nemurume ainge anemari apa inini ndainge ndisina kana chinhu kwatakasangana kwacho you wouldn’t believe it but I guess...

Love at first sight Love at first sight

Hook Ups

One thing I have learned on social media is that people know how to judge very well but I still felt I have to...

Kusvira Bertha muPool Kusvira Bertha muPool

Nhau DzeBonde

Betty Akarohwa Nyoro naLloyd Takatarisa MuPool… Hatingati Betty aive hure asi akadenha mboro ndokubva yamuruma clearly lol. Nhau iyi yakatanga tiripaParty KuMega 2 MuHarare....

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